As a USC student and registered user of USC Creative Industries equipment, I agree to the following terms and conditions and understand the below is applicable to all future loans made by myself:

•   I have checked that all items as listed on the booking are present when I take possession of the loan.

•   I have checked the equipment is in working order upon collection.

•   I understand that I must be familiar with the equipment operation prior to use and will refer to the ‘Cheat Sheet’ instructions, User Manual or       technical support if required.

•   I agree that the equipment and all accessories on loan are not to be used by a third party (Including other students).

•   I agree to report any damage or loss of equipment immediately to the Creative Industries Technical Team via, or 07 5459 4773.

•   I accept responsibility for the care of the loan equipment and the return in good condition.

•   I may be liable for repairs or replacement costs if negligent and I shall not attempt to repair any equipment myself.

•   I will personally collect and return all items listed on the booking by the arranged time. I understand that failure to return all of the listed equipment     by the agreed time may result in my loan privileges being suspended.

SiSo (smarthub) terms and conditions of use

As a user of this system registered or otherwise you agree that if for any reason you are unable to use smarthub for the intended purpose then you will contact your store via telephone, email or in person to resolve the problem. Siso Software Limited are not responsible or liable in any way for any errors, damages or any other loss caused by your usage of this system. For the avoidance of doubt this includes any loss howsoever suffered including negligence or fraud except where such negligence causes death or personal injury.

smarthub terms and conditions of use
As a user of this system registered or otherwise you agree that if for any reason you are unable to use smarthub for the intended purpose then you will contact your store via telephone, email or in person to resolve the problem. Siso Software Limited are not responsible or liable in any way for any errors, damages or any other loss caused by your usage of this system. For the avoidance of doubt this includes any loss howsoever suffered including negligence or fraud except where such negligence causes death or personal injury.